Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Xilinx USB Cable on Ubuntu

Here's what I did to install the "Xilinx Platform Cable USB II" on Ubuntu.

First, install the following two packages:

$ sudo aptitude install fxload libusb-dev

Then, download and compile the USB driver for the cable:

$ git clone git://
$ cd usb-driver
$ make
$ make lib32
$ ./setup_pcusb /opt/Xilinx/14.5/ISE_DS/ISE

If everything worked, you should see the status LED on the programmer light up after it's plugged in.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Programming Avnet Spartan 3A FPGA Eval Board with Linux

I own a small FPGA Board by Avnet with a Spartan 3A FPGA on it. The board is nice, but unfortunately, the flash chips on the board aren't on the JTAG chain. Instead, there is a small PSoC microcontroller that lets you programm the flashes via UART. There is a Windows tool to perform that programming which is shipped with the board. Here's what I did to program the SPI configuration flash on Linux.

Via the FPGALibre site, I found a link to a tool called ASTriAEKiPro, which allows me to write to the FPGA SPI Configuration flash via UART and the PSoC microcontroller.

Compiling the tool is as simple as running this command:

$ make

To erase the SPI configuration flash, I used this command:

$ ./astriaekipro -p /dev/ttyACM0 -e
Avnet Spartan 3A Eval Kit Programmer v1.2.1
Copyright (c) 2009 Salvador E. Tropea 
Copyright (c) 2009 Instituto Nacional de Tecnolog�a Industrial
Embedded BPI server provided by Avnet Inc.

Erasing the memory, be patient (>1 minute) ...

To write a configuration to the SPI flash:

$ ./astriaekipro -p /dev/ttyACM0 -w \
  -b ~/sandbox/avnet_lpc/projects/13.3/avnet_lpc/avnet_i2c.bit 
Avnet Spartan 3A Eval Kit Programmer v1.2.1
Copyright (c) 2009 Salvador E. Tropea 
Copyright (c) 2009 Instituto Nacional de Tecnolog�a Industrial
Embedded BPI server provided by Avnet Inc.

Writing 235820 bytes to the serial flash, offset 0x0000000
Erasing: sector   3 (100.00 %)
Bytes written:   235820 (100.00 %)
All written!

Edit Samsung TV Channel List on Linux

Samsung TVs suck when it comes to sorting the channel list. The work-around is to transfer the channel list to a PC and edit/sort it there. To edit the channel list on Linux, I found a tool called "SamyGO ChanEdit" quite useful. Downloadable via this link.

The tool requires SWT which is installed in /usr/lib/java on my system. To start the tool, used the following command:

java -classpath .:/usr/lib/java/swt-gtk-3.8.2.jar:SamyGO-ChanEdit-v54cd.jar gui.Main